
Bec Boyce

2020 year 6/7 teacher

Bec has taught for 11 year at 3 different schools across 9 classrooms. She has taught from years 1-12. It is estimated that Bec has taught approximately 330 students in this time.

Woodcroft Primary School

Bec has been at Woodcroft Primary School for 9 years.

What Bec would be if she wasn’t a teacher

If Bec wasn’t a teacher she would like to work in animal conservation or maybe the zoo.

Play is the way poster that is most effective

Yellow – it takes great strength to be sensible.

Gratitude to share with the community

Bec is very keen to show gratitude around caring for all people and things.

Bec would recommend the book

The One and Only Ivan – Katherine Applegate

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – John Boyne

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