Sarah Maycock
2021 year 6/7 teacher
Sarah has taught for 8 year across 6 classrooms. She has taught from foundation to year 7. It is estimated that Sarah has taught approximately 240 students in this time.
Woodcroft Primary School
Sarah has been at Woodcroft Primary School for 8 years.
What Sarah would be if she wasn’t a teacher
Sarah has already had a career as a medical secretary and then became a teacher after having her own children.
Play is the way poster that is most effective
Purple – self-mastery checklist.
Gratitude to share with the community
Sarah is very grateful to have a really good coffee shop just down the road.
Sarah would recommend the Ted Talk
Ted Talk by Rita Pierson – Every kid needs a champion.
To find out more about Sarah head to our podcast series. Sarah is podcast #4.
Music is royalty free ‘Hey’ from
Download the Podcast
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