
Jesse Cairns

2020 year 2/3 teacher

Jesse has taught for 6 year at 3 different schools across 4 classrooms. She has taught from years 2-4. It is estimated that Jesse has taught approximately 180 students in this time.

Woodcroft Primary School

Jesse has been at Woodcroft Primary School for 1 year and 2 terms.

What Jesse would be if she wasn’t a teacher

If Jesse wasn’t a teacher she would like to be a chef and own her own restaurant.

Play is the way poster that is most effective

Blue – Have reasons for the things you say and do.

Gratitude to share with the community

Jesse is very grateful for parents of her students that have keep in contact during COVID-19 distributions.

Jesse would recommend the book

Dear Parents by Gabbie Stroud.


To find out more about Jesse head to our podcast series. Jesse is podcast #13. https://www.buzzsprout.com/838675/4142672-wowwoodcroft-podcast-13.mp3?blob_id=15969788&download=true

Music is royalty free ‘Hey’ from https://www.bensound.com/

Download the Podcast

(Link to Buzzsprout)