
2020 principal

Kristian has taught for 23 year at 5 different schools across 2 countries and 7 classrooms. Kristian has been the principal at Woodcroft Primary School for 7 years. He has taught from foundation to year 7. It is estimated that Kristian has taught approximately 2,390 students in this time.

Woodcroft Primary School

Kristian has been at Woodcroft Primary School for 10 years.

What would you be if you weren’t a teacher?

If Kristian wasn’t a teacher, he would like to be a sports scientist, physiotherapist or maybe a football or baseball scout.

Play is the way poster that is most effective

Golden – Treat other as you would like them to treat you. If someone is unlike you, seek to understand them.

Gratitude to share with the community

Kristian is very keen to show gratitude for most people, most of the time are doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and the fact that most people are trying to improve.

Kristian would recommend the books and Ted Talk

Where the Wild Things Are – Maurice Sendak

Space Demons and Sky Maze – Gillian Rubinstein

Ted Talk – Do schools kill creativity? – Sir Ken Robinson https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_do_schools_kill_creativity?language=en 


To find out more about Kristian head to our podcast series. Kristian is podcast #32.


Music is royalty free ‘Hey’ from https://www.bensound.com/

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