Term dates and school times

Term dates
- Term 1 – Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April
- Term 2 – Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July
- Term 3 – Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September
- Term 4 – Monday 13 October to Friday 12 December
SA public holidays 2025
Wednesday 1 January: New Year’s Day
Monday 27 January: Australia Day public holiday
Monday 10 March: Adelaide Cup Day
Friday 18 April: Good Friday
Saturday 19 April: Easter Saturday
Sunday 20 April: Easter Sunday
Monday 21 April: Easter Monday
Friday 25 April: ANZAC Day
Monday 9 June: King’s Birthday
Monday 6 October: Labour Day
Wednesday 24 December: Christmas Eve: 7pm to midnight
Thursday 25 December: Christmas Day
Friday 26 December: Proclamation Day holiday and Boxing Day
Wednesday 31 December: New Year’s Eve: 7pm to midnight
School times
First Teaching Session | 9:00 am – 11:10 am |
First Break | 11:10 am – 11:40 am |
Second Teaching Session | 11:40 am – 1:20 pm |
Second Break | 1:20 – 1.40 pm |
Third Teaching Session | 1.40 pm – 3:20 pm* |
* On Wednesdays, the dismissal time is 2.30pm
Hours of supervision
Hours of supervision are provided by teaching staff from: 8.30am – 3.35pm except on Wednesdays when it is 8.30am to 2.50 pm. After 3.40pm there are no teachers on duty. All children not collected by 3.40pm will be directed to the office to await collection. Students may be sent to out of school care where a fee will be charged if there is prolong or repeated occasions of students not being collected. If you are running late for the start of the day or pick up please inform the school. 0428937348 is a text only number available for late arrival or non-attendance notification. Please list student’s name, room number and reason for absence.